Explore the science

This page essentially I will provide a wide range of materials for my readers especially that would help you to improve and enhance the knowledge in science. I will try my maximum to bring you interesting ways of teaching science making curiosity among the students. Science is  an interesting subject to teach. Make the lessons always more challenging and bring innovative ideas for the students so that the students would engage the lessons  and  that would last the interest of the students. Use  I C T in your lessons maximum to make active interaction between you and the students. 

Here is some way you can create more curiosity and enhance the knowledge about subject of science.  

1. Always take your lessons out of the classroom.
2. Make a healthy competitions among s the students. 
3. Involve parents and other stake holders while your teaching the lessons.
4. Especially be very practical while taking the science lessons.
5. Connect what you teach with their life ( day to day ) activities.     
  • Science exhibitions 

  • Grade 6 students explains  how Eclipses happens 
     The science exhibition would provide a wide range of opportunity to explore the science and to understand and enhance the knowledge they have learned form the lessons. Moreover it will increase the confidentiality for the students as well as the parents about what they actually doing in the school. This will be a great opportunity to explore and show the talent of individual students. At the same time the projects and the models which students will created would be a tremendous help for teachers who teach other than science. Here are some interesting models and creative ideas students made in the science exhibition in our school. This models can be used to teach science and social studies in Grade 6 7 and 8.Also the season model can be used to teach science in grade 1,2 and 3. I think it would be a great idea to have an exhibition at least one in a year.                                                  
    Grade 8 Students showing their product (a working Robot) 
                                         Grade students

  • Presentations
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